< PreviousA mountain of waste A North East Lincolnshire Council event to clear rubbish from the alleyways of Grimsby has uncovered some unusual finds…including a mystical creature. With 7.5 tonnes of waste removed from Castle Street, on the East Marsh, a 6ft high wall of trash was dismantled by volunteers into 50 wheelie bin loads of household waste. While more ‘normal’ items like fridges, doors and a football table were thrown away, rather bizarrely a unicorn head and an amusement ride were discovered amongst the garbage. The pirates of Sleaford A peculiar clip has been shared by Sleaford Town Council, making fun of what it describes as its “very own members of the Pirates of the Caribbean!” Thanks to CCTV in Eastgate Car Park, the council were able to capture the fumbling pirates climbing into and struggling to get a boat out of its storage compound for a ride on the river, adding the famous score from the film to a video posted online. “To give the ‘pirates’ their due, they did work hard to get the boat out,” the council said, “but remember, we are watching you and would prefer it if you left the boat alone!” Not getting far, a team retrieved the plastic boat from the river bank the following morning. watercooler 90 LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY LincolnshireToday @lincstoday lincolnshiretoday.net Have we missed anything? Send your rib-ticklers to m.fisher@blmgroup.co.uk By the Drenched in droppings Though it is considered lucky to be splattered by bird poo, a Lincolnshire village may not agree, after being terrorised so much by bird droppings that it hit headlines. Great Gonerby found itself invaded by a flock of tens of thousands of starlings, but while the sight of the swirling birds overhead has been breathtaking, the result has been reported as a nightmare. Talking to the BBC, one villager said: “Everyone found it fascinating to start with but now they’re fed up with it.” Flapping over the village for weeks, drenching anyone or anything below in droppings, and leaving behind a less than pleasant smell, it’s not hard to see why. © stock.adobe.com/Maryana © stock.adobe.com/de Art © stock.adobe.com/ Vera NewSibPrinting|Copying|Graphic Design LOGOS | BRANDING | BUSINESS STATIONERY FLYERS & POSTERS | BROCHURES | NEWSLETTERS A0 COPYING & SCANNING | OS MAPPING CAD & PLAN PRINTING | PRINT FINISHING High Quality Print & Design in Lincolnshire N 01522 546118 E sales@lincolncopycentre.co.uk www.lincolncopycentre.co.uk 45 YEARS IN BUSINESS Byyourside then,nowand inthefuture Learn about our free Will Writing Service at ambucopter.org.uk/will Ourfirsthelicopter,1994 LNAACT REG CHARITY 1017501*HWLQWRXFKWRȴQGRXWPRUHRUDUUDQJHDYLVLW www.tingdene-parks.net | 01933 427815 | info@tingdene.net High-quality, low-maintenance, single-storey homes Safe, secure community of like-minded residents Private garden and parking No stamp duty Part exchange and assisted move options available 2FFXS\LQJDTXLHWVSRWRQWKHRXWVNLUWVRI6FXQWKRUSH$VKȴHOG 3DUNHQMR\VYLHZVRYHUWKHFRXQWU\VLGH\HWLVRQO\DIHZPLQXWHV IURPDOOWKHHYHU\GD\DPHQLWLHV\RXFRXOGQHHGSOXVDKRVWRI OHLVXUHRS portunities. 0RYHLQWRDEUDQGQHZIXOO\IXUQLVKHGKRPHDQGHQMR\ the best RIWRZQDQGFRXQWU\OLYLQJ<RXFRXOGDOVRIUHHXSFDVKVDYHRQ ELOOVDQGKDYHOHVVKRPHPDLQWHQDQFH6RZKHWKHU\RXȇUHUHWLULQJ VHPLUHWLULQJRUVLPSOLQJORRNLQJWREHSDUWRIDZDUPDQG ZHOFRPLQJFRPPXQLW\\RXUHDOO\FDQȴQGWKHOLIHVW\OH\RXȇYH DOZD\VZDQWHGLQDSODFHWKDW\RXȇOOORYH Freedom to live life to the full. Modern comforts and community spirit, exclusively for the over 50s. TO GET MORE OUT OF YOUR RETIREMENT NEW PLOTS RELEASED %UDQGQHZIXOO\IXUQLVKHGKRPHVIURPe %XUULQJKDP5RDG6FXQWKRUSH'1$/ IT’S TIME *LYH\RXUVHOIWKHȴQDQFLDO security to live life to the full SCAN MENext >