< Previous20 LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY BRIGG If your eyes feel dry, irritated, or painful for most or all of the time, you are quite probably suffering from Dry Eye Disease (DED), especially if you continually feel “there’s something in my eye”. One in five, and nearly 800 million people worldwide, suffer from DED. Over 50% of females over the age of 40, and over 90% of menopausal females, are thought to live with this condition. More recently, the condition has become more common in all ages and genders due to environmental factors, use of cosmetics and medications, excessive screen use, and underlying conditions such as blepharitis and Sjögren’s syndrome. The front part of your eyes is lubricated by a special moist film consisting of a mucous layer nearest your eyes, a middle, watery layer derived from your tear glands, and a third, outer layer, which is oily (lipid) and produced by special glands (the Meibomian glands) in your upper and lower eyelids. If your Meibomian glands are not producing enough oily film, the other lubricating layers will continually dry out and that is what causes the irritation and other symptoms of Dry Eye Disease. This new therapy for Dry Eye Disease offered at O’Brien’s in Brigg is safe, non- invasive, painless - and doesn’t involve any eyedrops. It is known as Intense Pulsating Light (IPL) and Low Light Level Therapy (LLLT), though it may also be referred to as Photobiomodulation (PBM). IPL uses thermal pulses to stimulate the Meibomian glands, and LLLT uses a specific wavelength of light to gently heat the eyelids. This revolutionary new treatment helps the Meibomian glands to work properly and therefore stabilises and improves the quantity and quality of the oily layer of the tear film. The treatment provides an immediate relief of symptoms. Now available in Brigg Breakthrough treatment for Dry Eye Disease (DED) The new therapy for Dry Eye Disease uses Intense Pulsating Light and Low Level Light to warm a patient’s eyelids to stimulate the Meibomian glands. This improves the patient’s tear film and gives immediate relief from the symptoms of Dry Eye Disease - no eyedrops needed! Dr Sheeraz Janjua is now providing this new treatment at his special clinics held regularly at O’Brien’s Optician in Brigg. He can be contacted on 01652 653595. Dr Sheeraz Janjua LINCOLNSHIRE &ZF&YBNJOBUJPOTt$POUBDU-FOT&YBNJOBUJPOT t4UBUFPG5IF"SU&RVJQNFOU 43 YEARS INDEPENDENT 74+*88.43&1>*<*&7!9>1.3,!*7;.(* 4<$.8.43.)8&3)!5*(.&1.8981*38*8+47 &(:1&7*,*3*7&9.431&:(42&&3)47* 7>>*&3)1*5-&7.9.8"7*&92*39 #59.(.&3<&7)87:33*78 :5 %##*1#"!2*/#%#,#/1'-, .8&1*&).3,(&:8*4+;.8.431488+475*451* &,*)&3)41)*7 48.3,(*397&1;.8.43(&3 2&0*.9-&7)*7948**+&(*8)7.;*47)4 (148* :5<4701.0*(440.3,47A=.3,9-.3,8 &74:3)9-*-4:8*'*(&:8*9-*(*397&17*9.3& 034<3&89-*2&(:1&)*;*1458%7>>*114< )*,*3*7&9.;*1*8.438034<3&8%7:8*34.)8 477:8*3 14'&11>9-*57*;&1*3(*4+ .8*89.2&9*)94.3(7*&8*'> '*9<**3 2.11.43&3) 2.11.43 "4)&9*97*&92*39459.438+477> -&;*'**31.2.9*)94).*9&7>8:551*2*398 &3)1.+*89>1*(-&3,*8 -4#3#//,(2 ,"&'01#+1/'#,0.1'!',0/# 0-*21#*5"#*'%&1#"1-*2,!&,#4 1/#1+#,1$-//54&'!&'00$# ,-,',30'3#,".',*#001&#/.5 9.8 034<3&8.&-1- '-+-"2*1'-,&3).8 &(41)1&8*78>89*2<-.(-:9.1.8*14<1*;*18 4+1.,-9.3(1:).3,<&;*1*3,9-84+7*)>*114< &3)3*&7.3+7& 7*)947*/:;*3&9*9-*7*9.3&43 &(*11:1&71*;*1'>*3*7,.8.3,&3)574;.).3, 4=>,*3949-*&11.25479&397*9.3&1(*118 *(*39(1.3.(&189:).*8:8.3,9-.81&8*7 9-*7&5>-&;*8-4<3&3.3(7*&8*.39-*;.8.43 &3)(4397&898*38.9.;.9>.34+.3).;.):&18 <-44'9&.3*)&3.2574;*2*39.3;.8:&1&(:.9> 4+ 1*99*78439-*1*99*7(-&79@<-.(-.8 :594 1.3*84+.2574;*2*397*):(9.43.3 )7:8*3-&8&184'**38**33.9.&17*8*&7(-.3 *72&3>-&8&1848-4<39-.89-*7&5>94-*15 ).&'*9.(8<-4-&;*).&'*9.(2&(:145&9-> "0(*.#(.. ,#(-)0,.1(.3 3,-"0&13-(2.,'&3"**31#." .""#!"-.(,) ,(-,0#*,)0# -1&&-."#,2&&(./-.)',-,0# (*.#(.,."3&-)"00,3!)) 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You may have already heard the name from the traditional song ‘Brigg Fair’ which was first written down by Percy Grainger, the Australian-born composer who for a time resided in London and travelled around collecting and arranging British folk songs. But this settlement here from ancient times continues to build on its legend, from a ghost that haunts the balcony of today’s community hub The Angel, to becoming the backdrop for a zombie movie by filmmaker Fran Mineo. Mineo had to close applications to the droves who applied to take part in filming his creation on 29th October. Selecting from over 500 horror fans and Brilliant BRIGG 24 ÁThe UK’s only composite door manufacturer to be rated as excellent on Trustpilot. 01652 340 340 | endurancedoors.co.uk Endurance Show Centre, Cranidge House, Bridge St, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8NF CASE STUDY Locking Cylinder Every Endurance door comes with the High Security, Sold Secure Diamond Grade ABS Ultimate locking cylinder. High Security Multi-Point Locking System Our locking systems are tested to Secured By Design specified PAS 24 Security Standards. Solid Timber Core 48mm thick cross laminated solid timber core makes the Endurance door the most solid and secure on the market. Moisture Barrier Strip Our unique moisture barrier strip is concealed within the foot of the door - preventing the Endurance door from warping or swelling. Hardware Accessories Our Hardware Accessories have been rigorously tested to ensure their durability - so you can count on them to look great for years to come. Hard Wearing Door Skin CoolSkin® technology used to produce our door skins offers a realistic woodgrain texture whilst protecting against delamination, cracking, bowing or warping. PVCu Door Frame Our door frames are strong, secure and energy efficient. They are even made from environmentally friendly recycled plastic. Thermally Toughened Glazing Our range of stylish decorative glazing has been thermally toughened, offering the best in security whilst also looking beautiful. What makes an Endurance door? Laura’s project Laura was looking for a stylish front door that suited the era of the property and also brightened up the hallway of her family home. The popular combination of the Pentland in Pearl Grey perfectly matches her existing features, giving the exterior of her home a coherent contemporary look, boosting the kerb appeal of her home. Style guide Door Style: Pentland Range: Classic Colour: Pearl Grey Hardware: Classic Black Pull Knob and Black Finger Pull Escutcheon Glass: Satin Create your own Design your perfect door using the HomeView Door Designer on our website or visit our show centre in Brigg for a consultation. Web: endurancedoors.co.uk Show Centre: Cranidge House, Bridge Street, Brigg, North Lincolnshire, DN20 8NF B A C D F E G H A B C D E F G H24 LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY BRIGG Brigg Hearing Studio Your local family hearing experts Established in 2021 the Brigg Hearing Studio has built a solid reputation locally for customer service, hearing expertise and our commitment to help the local community. First class service coupled with word of mouth referrals from our valued customers has built an unrivalled reputation that our family is proud of. Your hearing is our priority Our mission is to provide all patients with the best hearing care possible. Investment in the latest and most advanced hearing technology and our team’s passion for audiology makes the Brigg Hearing Studio the place to invest in enhancing the quality of your hearing. What do we offer? • Fully Comprehensive Hearing Tests • Clinical Ear Wax Removal • Tinnitus Advice • Invisible Hearing Aids • Hearing Aid Reprogramming Service • Home Visits Available Please call 01652 656428 to book your appointment. local volunteers, the lucky chosen few will become an undead horde amidst the beautiful contrast of the town’s evocative architecture. The local lad hoped he would get enough people involved for a zombie takeover of Brigg town centre, but garnered more interest than he bargained for. There are more filming dates planned for November, so keep an eye on the Facebook page for his company, Chicken In a Graveyard, for other potential chances to get involved this spooky season. If getting in front of the camera for a horror movie isn’t your speed, there’s still plenty to discover and explore as the autumn months draw in. With no shadows for ghosts or ghouls, the daylight hours are the perfect chance to make the most of the last rays of warm sunshine in the heart of town. Traditional markets are held every Thursday and Saturday, and get especially lively in fine weather. This is another place to find local artists and creatives, these friendly stall holders happy to have a chat about their wares, or perhaps haggle down prices if you find something you fancy. 26 ÁHEARINGSTUDIO BRIGG Visit us at Brigg Hearing Studio for All Your Hearing Needs 845084291 SOUND ADVICE SAFELY DELIVERED BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY 01652 656428 North Lincolnshire's Only Independent and Family Run Hearing Clinic BRIGG HEARING STUDIO 57 WRAWBY STREET • BRIGG • NORTH LINCS • DN20 8JE VISIT US AT: brigghearingstudio.co.uk CALL US ON 01652 656428 TUE - FRI • 9.30 - 4.30 | SAT • APPOINTMENT ONLY VISIT US FOR: Hearing Tests • Latest Invisible Hearing Technology Micro Suction Earwax Removal • Tinnitus Advice Custom Hearing Protection • Reprogramme & Repair A Bespoke Dedicated Service • Home Visits "Amazing job done, would highly recommend Brigg Hearing Studio. I went today for earwax removal and the guys there were very helpful and experienced - cannot thank you guys enough" CHECK OUR GOOGLE REVIEWS EARWAX REMOVAL £60 • 2 EARS £40 • 1 EAR AY echnology us Advice me & Repair e Visits ly recommend day for earwax removal and the guys erienced - cannot thank you guys enough" EARWAX REMOVAL £60 • 2 EARS £40 • 1 EAR26 LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY BRIGG For the foodies among us, cakes, bakes and street food can often be found at the regular weekly market. But if you’re up for a mini food festival experience, it’s well worth planning for the last Saturday of the month, which is when the Farmers’ Market always takes place. This market sometimes becomes an all-out FoodFest on select dates from late summer to autumn, but in its regular monthly form it has an award-winning reputation for its local produce and handmade crafts. If you happen to find your way to Brigg on a rainy day, good food is something you’ll still never be short of. With a wealth of pubs, restaurants and cafes boasting fresh local ingredients and comforting favourites, you’re always welcome to stop by just to cosy up inside. The warm spirit of Brigg shines through in boutiques both on the high street, and tucked away in the courts off the main thoroughfare, sometimes inhabiting historic buildings. In the 19th century, The Buttercross was market cross traditionally used as a centre for market activity and public gatherings, but remains a focal point for town festivities today. As well as being a tourist information centre and gift shop, it’s a stunningly intimate venue for events, live music, and even for weddings. Clothing, crafts, books and gifts are lovingly displayed in warm and peaceful shops that sometimes feel like stepping through to another world. With independent shops for all model building, knitting and sewing, chances are you’ll find a shop here to nurture a craft or hobby—that’s if you don’t grab the chance to take part in a workshop or two. Since The Steel Rooms sadly closed down this year, art workshops have taken up new residence at Brigg Heritage Centre. Crafts and activities will also be open to young and old on Farmers’ Market Saturdays, from ‘Messy Days’ to fun and educational sessions on hibernation and building a magical bonfire. You can also rely on the heritage centre for insights into the history that made Brigg what it is today. Embark on a captivating journey spanning across eras, beginning with the museum’s prized centrepiece the Bronze Age plank boat at first misidentified, but now still lovingly referred to as, the ‘Brigg Raft’. This remarkable artifact, dating back 3000 years, is one of only two of its kind showcased in the country. This national treasure is an absolute must-see for discovering the craftmanship behind its construction, its historical usage, and its place of discovery in the town itself. But the journey into Brigg’s past doesn’t stop there, as it goes on explore locally excavated Roman and Anglo- Saxon artifacts, and detailed narratives on Brigg and the Ancholme Valley through the ages. Going back to the spooky side, you can take yourself on a tour of several haunted buildings in the town for a darker history of Brigg. Even some of the local shops have their own tales to tell, with many haunted happenings LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY 27 and so to bed... 01652 651828 Princess Street | Brigg | DN20 8HG www.briggbeds.co.uk BRIGG BEDS We are on hand to advise and help you select your perfect bed Great prices online & in-store H Clothing & Curtain Alterations & Repairs H Fitting Room & Express Service H Fabrics, Haberdashery, Patterns H Crafts Fabrics & Fat Quarters H Soft Furnishing Service Tel: 01652 650047 Email: jaylaurssew54@gmail.com 54 Wrawby Street, Brigg DN20 8JE 39 years in business Halloween and Christmas fabrics now in stock BRIGG 55 WRAWBY STREET, BRIGG DN20 8EJ T: 01652 652297 E info@pickeringsofbrigg.com www.pickeringsofbrigg.com • Shoe Repairs • Key Cutting • Engraving of Trophies, lighters, glass etc • Vinyl Signs • Tee Shirts and Watches being reported. In the Old Lincolnshire Times building, many cleaners claimed to have seen the hunchback ghost of a doctor who supposedly hanged himself in the attic. With another significant episode in Brigg’s past being the Civil War, it’s worth walking the streets and talking to local experts about this bloody history. As the town’s located on the Great North Road, a major route connecting London to the north of England, it was strategically important during the war. This made it a hotspot for fighting over the area, and more importantly over access to supplies, communication and movement of troops. Brigg saw several skirmishes between Royalist and Parliamentarian forces passing through the town, engaging in minor conflicts, and vying for control. With so many vivid characters connected to the town from ancient times, no wonder Brigg abounds with apparitions and folk tales. But in the safety of the sunlight, this just becomes a part of how this market destination celebrates its history, personalities and traditions. You’ll find all of these and more throughout the town today to thrill and charm in equal measure. Whether it’s a handcrafted memento, an experience or a story to tell, you’re sure to find something in Brigg you’ll want to bring home.28 LINCOLNSHIRE TODAY HOLLAND & JAMES Q&A Can you tell us a little about Holland & James and how you got started? Neil and I have worked together in the surrounding area for some time and are both very passionate about eyecare and eyewear. Between us we have 50 cumulative years’ experience in the industry, and we decided we wanted to build a new practice together that offered the local communities a fresh take on the independent optician. We opened this March in the old Barclays Bank site in Brigg. It’s a great building and we are proud to be able to give it a new life. Holland & James has new up-to-date equipment to enable a more advanced eye examination, an innovative spectacle lens catalogue alongside a wide range of modern and classic eyewear, all with transparent pricing to suit all budgets. We accept both private & NHS patients and are proud to offer them the chance to have a more advanced eye examination. Utilising the very latest in eye scan technologies, called Optical Coherence Tomography, the REVO-OCT Scan provides a non-invasive imaging method allowing detailed visualisation beneath the retinal surface to detect any abnormalities in the different retinal layers, to an almost cellular level, and monitor any changes over time. The scan itself takes only a matter of minutes. Nothing touches your eye so it’s pain/discomfort free! We will ask you to place your chin on the rest and look at a light, which may be moved according to the area scanned. Our REVO-OCT Scanner allows us to detect any abnormalities in the different retinal layers, analyse these and monitor any changes over time. Meaning we can ensure safer care and better preservation of sight. Regular monitoring is key to the process as changes in the back of the eye often happen very subtly and slowly – without causing any symptoms. As such we can monitor the many retinal layers periodically with check-up scans to detect any changes from your initial baseline exam. What kinds of brands do you stock, and how much of a range do you have? We stock a variety of spectacle frames & sunglasses to suit all styles and needs, from every day to luxury, lightweight to something more bold, well-known to more unique brands. We also have lots of fun Q&A Holland & James This month we meet up with Charlie Holland and Neil James, of Holland & James, a new opticians that opened in Brigg this March, to learn more about how they got started and the exciting new things they’re bringing to the area. Charlie Holland and Neil JamesLINCOLNSHIRE TODAY 29 HOLLAND & JAMES Q&A and fashionable frames for children. Our stock is frequently refreshed, and we are always happy to take suggestions from customers and patients if there is something they are looking for that we don’t have. As an official Rayban & Oakley stockist we also supply authentic prescription Rayban & Oakley lenses and have a particular interest in Sports glasses and goggles. Eyewear for sports needs to be more specific, it should enable us to see better whilst functioning for the activity. I just got some new running glasses myself, and they really do make a difference. We are very excited to offer our patients Essilor lenses, the number one brand in spectacle lenses recommended by opticians around the world. From Stellest lenses which can help to slow or reduce the progression of childhood short sightedness to their brand new Varilux varifocal, the XR Series lens which responds to the way your eyes move, giving you a more natural vision experience. From the end of September, we will be including complimentary eye coding to certain lenses, as we are adding a Visioffice X to the practice which can truly bespoke your glasses. Everyone’s vision is different, including the way our eyes move. Integrating these measurements results in a more tailormade lens making sure your vision is effortless when wearing your glasses. The Visioffice X is a brand new state-of- the-art optical measuring device that will open up an entirely new chapter in lens personalisation. The new technology takes up to 11 additional scans of your eye compared to usual tests, and looks at the anatomy of your eye, the way you wear your frame, your posture, and how you use your eyes when you read. Naturally, this is all non-invasive. From these measurements we can create the perfect lenses that work around your eyes, rather than force your eyes to work around them. We understand you also have an independent Audiologists operating out of Holland & James. Can you tell us a little about them? Your Hearing Consultants are proudly independent, owned and operated by local Audiologists who work in clinic every day. Being independent means that they are not limited by any one hearing aid supplier and have the freedom to always provide the best customised solutions for a customer’s hearing needs, lifestyle, and budget. Starting out as one audiologist in Pocklington who wanted to provide a better quality of service to smaller provincial areas, Your Hearing Consultants have grown their team to offer multiple clinics across North Lincolnshire, the Humber, and Yorkshire. Your Hearing Consultants offer wax removal via microsuction followed by a hearing screening and further tests if there’s any possible loss of hearing. Hearing assessments are also available, and with them being an independent company, they are not bound to promote any one brand, allowing them to tailor their services to every unique customer. It’s important to have your ears checked regularly for wax to minimise a build-up. Now that the NHS no longer offer Wax Removal within their services, Your Hearing Consultants are offering a free triage appointment to determine whether you have wax in your ears and can book appointments or offer advice accordingly. Likewise, it’s recommended that your hearing health is checked regularly too, and we recommend a hearing test every 2 years or sooner if you’re noticing any changes. For more information visit hollandjames.co.uk, call 01652 408200 or pop into the store in Brigg to speak with Charlie or Neil directly. For your hearing needs, visit yourhearingconsultants.co.uk or call 01759 361644. Kelsey TweedNext >