Businesses and communities in Boston will benefit from £2.62million of funding secured by the Borough Council to deliver projects and programmes to build pride in place, provide high-quality skills training and increase life chances across the borough.
Boston Borough Council is inviting eligible local organisations to submit expressions of interest for the funding, from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund.
Investment in local projects and programmes will be focused around three key themes, with further priorities identified by the Council as part of the original application process:
- Communities and place: Developing and promoting Boston’s heritage; addressing the challenges of integration and inclusion with migrant workers; supporting the High Street; investment in community facilities; enhancing the cultural and heritage offer.
- Support local business: Helping local businesses invest for future growth; encouraging new businesses to establish; helping local social and community enterprises to innovate and grow; diversifying the local economy; encouraging investment in new technologies.
- People and skills: Supporting social enterprises to deliver training and development in the community; engaging both the migrant population and over 65’s in training and development activity.
The fund will be administered by the Council, with the decision making process supported through the expert insight and feedback of a group made up of representatives from local businesses, community organisations, education providers, investors and other key sectors.
Eligible local organisations are able to submit their expressions of interest to the Council, which is keen to hear from those able to deliver projects in the coming months, but are keen to stress that there is no rush to submit. All money will be allocated based on the quality and impact of the projects, not on a ‘first-come, first-served’ basis.
Councillor Nigel Welton, deputy leader and portfolio holder for economic development and planning, said: “It is great news that Boston has received this much-needed Government support, and I look forward to working with a variety of local organisations and businesses from across different sectors and communities, to ensure that its benefits reach as many of our residents and workers as possible.
“This funding could be the perfect opportunity to get those innovative and original ideas off the ground that can deliver positive and lasting change to our Borough. I would encourage any local organisation who has a project or programme in mind to read the bidding guide and send in an expression of interest.”
The full bidding guide for the funding and the expression of interest form is available on the Council’s website at