Uplifting stories of how two very different and successful community projects have been brought to fruition have been re-told at a special event in West Lindsey.
West Lindsey District Council hosted the community funding event at Hemswell Court, to encourage community groups to find out more about the funding available and to learn from other groups.
Stepping Stones Theatre gave a very emotional and powerful performance of readings and music. They demonstrated the importance of creativity and listening to the voices and experiences of all people in our district as our communities shape their open and accessible facilities and projects.
Bill Rodgers said: “Without West Lindsey District Council’s funding there would be no Stepping Stones. Things were different in the early days of social prescribing in the belief that creative outlets could have anything to do with recovery. 25 years later we are here telling our story.”
They were followed by Scampton Church and RAF War Graves Heritage Centre who explained the issues they faced with their building, including constraints with funding for churches, and how they navigated their way to a revitalised and vibrant community space. They offered important insights, including about the importance of consultation, volunteers and partnerships, to those branching out into their own project.
Project co-ordinator Joe Bartrop said: “With the £8,000 that West Lindsey helped us to get through the councils grant funding meant we were able to match fund in a further £320,000 that was needed for our project.
Community organisations play a pivotal role in supporting ‘Our People’ and ‘Our Place’ and Our Council’s community grants can help kickstart groups on their journey.
Leader of West Lindsey District Council Cllr Trevor Young said: “With the support of the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and Rural England Prosperity Fund, we are pleased to present our Community Grants Schemes to support the people and places of West Lindsey to thrive and reach their full potential.
“We know that it is our communities who lead the way in maintaining and building community facilities like village halls, playparks and green spaces.
“It is our communities that are putting on events and activities that bring people together, tackling social isolation and building cohesive and engaged neighbourhoods. It is our communities that know what their neighbourhoods need and have the ideas and solutions to address the issues they face.
“With that knowledge, our Community Grant Funds have been developed to respond to the needs and ideas of our community organisations. We want to ensure that our grants have the greatest impact on our communities.”
More funding roadshows will take place across the district – where people can drop in and meet our funding officers to talk about our Community Grants Scheme or if you want to book a slot, email funding@west-lindsey.gov.uk.
Roadshows will take place at:
- 30 August, Reepham and Cherry Willingham Village Hall, 2.30pm – 4.30pm
- 18 September, Riverside Room, Gainsborough, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
- 19 September, Market Rasen Festival Hall, 1.30pm – 3.30pm
- 26 September, Scotton Village Hall, 10.30am – 12.30pm
For more information visit our website at www.west-lindsey.gov.uk/funding