Visitors to Cleethores and the Humber Estuary are being urged to give wetland birds a wide berth as the nesting season gathers pace by observing safety measures to protect them from disturbance, particularly along the mudflats and the saltmarsh, including the Tetney Marshes.
Birds can be disturbed in a variety of ways and, whilst a leadless dog chasing a stick may seem harmless, birds see a dog as a predator and automatically take flight, causing them to leave the nest and putting eggs and fledgling birds at risk.
Cleethorpes is also a hugely popular seaside resort and a destination of choice for water sport enthusiasts. There are few other places where protected natural habitat is so close to a busy tourist destination.
Bird disturbance within the protected areas is an offence and visitors are urged to avoid waterborne activity in the saltmarsh, specifically paddleboarders and jet skiers, and for water users to maintain a distance from the saltmarsh, particularly at high tide, to avoid disturbing birds.
Several species of birds make their home in the salt marsh, including oystercatchers and bar-tailed godwits. A number of these birds are internationally important and have special protected status.
Preventing birds from feeding or roosting and causing them to take flight is a criminal offence and offenders can be prosecuted under the EU Birds Directive.
Most people respect the area but a minority are causing a nuisance and disturbing the rare birds as they roost.
Beach visitors are asked to help protect the birds by:
- Keeping to the designated footpaths
- Keeping dogs under control
- Staying away from the salt marsh and sand banks during watersports
- Respecting the ‘no-dog’ rule for the stretch of Cleethorpes beach between the North Prom and the Leisure Centre from Good Friday until the end of September.