New community orchards created across South and East Lincolnshire following delivery of home retrofitting scheme

Fifteen new community orchards have been created across Boston, East Lindsey and South Holland thanks to the delivery of home energy efficiency upgrade works for residents in the sub-region. Osborne Energy delivered retrofitting schemes on behalf of the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership to eligible residents who applied for Government funding in 2022 to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. Following the delivery of those schemes, Osborne Energy awarded around £6,500 funding as part of its social value commitment which has led to the creation of the new community orchards. Through the Growing the Network project, 140 fruit trees have been planted. The orchards are at:
  • Kenwick Riding for the Disabled Association, Louth
  • Binbrook C of E Primary School
  • Site off Langton Road, Langton
  • Field next to the Village Hall, Old Bolingbroke
  • Belchford Village Green
  • Coney Hill, off South Street, Swineshead
  • Moulton Seas End Playing Field
  • Hundleby Allotments
  • 24 Hardwick Estate, Kirton
  • Cowley Road, Donington
  • Carver Road, Boston
  • Station Road Allotments/MUGA, Donington on Bain
  • Cherry Lane Play Area, Fleet
  • Wellington Road, Boston
  • Whiting Square, Boston
Each one will help support a natural habitat for wildlife to thrive, particularly pollinators, and give members of the community an opportunity to connect with nature on their doorstep. The gardens will all be managed and maintained locally by residents. Each will bring new health and wellbeing opportunities through connecting with the outdoors and physical activity. Volunteers will receive ongoing support to help them learn more about orchard maintenance and it is hoped that the sites will provide a focal point for future events and community gatherings such as Apple Days and Wassails. Councillor Callum Butler Portfolio Holder – Environmental at Boston Borough Council, Cllr Graham Marsh Portfolio Holder for Community Safety, Leisure and Culture and Carbon Reduction at East Lindsey District Council and Cllr Elizabeth Sneath, Portfolio Holder for Health and Wellbeing, jointly said: “It is fantastic that so many new community orchards have been created thanks to Osborne Energy’s work in delivering energy efficiency measures for our residents. “The orchards will bring people together, support our residents to improve their health and wellbeing, as well of course increase biodiversity. Trees are vital for the important role they naturally play in capturing and storing carbon dioxide as well as creating enhanced green space. Residents will also be able to enjoy the fruit from the trees, all grown and harvested in their community. “We thank Osborne energy for the funding they have made through their social value commitment. “The orchards are an additional way we are supporting the environment following the work carried out to help residents retrofit their homes. We look forward to seeing them thrive over the coming months.” A spokesperson from Osborne Energy said: “Osborne Energy were delighted to provide a donation towards the community orchards project. We are dedicated to improving the health and wellbeing of residents through our social value commitments, so are thrilled at the positive impacts this project will have on the local communities and local wildlife, as well as visitors to the areas. The project will benefit so many in a number of ways, both in the present and in the future.”

Motorcycling Freemasons get into gear for Lincoln soap box race

Freemasons of Lincolnshire’s motorcycle lodge the Free Wheelers are setting aside two wheels in favour of four in preparation to take part in a soapbox race in Lincoln in September. Seated in the driving seat is Lodge member Stewart Buckingham, who’s building their soapbox for the event being staged by the Krazy Races organisation on September 15th. Stewart revealed the completed chassis on its bright yellow wheels to fellow Lodge members at their latest meeting, which they’d taken to Grimsby. To make the cart race-ready, it will be clad in a streamlined body emblazoned with the logos of Freemasonry, and Stewart will be its pilot in the event. The Free Wheelers are nominally based in Horncastle, but meet throughout Lincolnshire, including in Boston, where a second team of Freemasons is working on its own cart to take part in the event. Competitors will work their way through a knockout style competition with only the fastest ten carts making it through to the final, where they will battle to take home the winner’s trophy. The event is being staged in conjunction with Lincoln Business Improvement District, and will raise money for the Lincoln City Foundation, its official headline charity partner. Freemasons’ spokesman Stuart Pearcey said: “This event is the perfect combination of what’s special about Freemasonry – a combination of fun and fundraising for worthwhile causes in a spirit of friendship. We very much look forward to both teams of Freemasons making it into the final ten!”

Public get the chance to see plans for new-look Cleethorpes

Draft designs to transform Cleethorpes Market Place and Pier Gardens will go on show this week with businesses, residents and visitors urged to have their say on the planned multi-million-pound schemes. The areas are to be rejuvenated, supported by the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. North East Lincolnshire Council was awarded £18.4m for the resort last year, following the development of the 2022 Cleethorpes Masterplan, which was spearheaded by Hemingway Design. Everyone is asked to attend the drop-in event on Wednesday 15 May at The Knoll on the corner of Knoll Street and Alexandra Road (entry through Blighty’s Café) from 12 noon until 7.30pm. On the same day, an online questionnaire will be launched for people to submit their thoughts on the concepts through the ‘Have Your Say’ page on the Council’s website. It will last for two weeks, closing on 22 May. Designs will then be finalised before recommendations are put to the cabinet in the summer. On show will be draft designs for a new-look Market Place created by UK based company, Gillespies. They show public space for events, markets and for people to sit in a welcoming space and enjoy a coffee. The concepts for Pier Gardens show it completely transformed with quiet areas where nature can thrive, and other family areas where children can enjoy the outdoors. These have been created by leading landscape architects WSP. Both draft schemes have already taken account of the views of hundreds of people who helped to shape the Cleethorpes Masterplan. Opinions were also sought in a consultation held earlier this year – and now there’s another chance for people to say what they think about these latest visuals. Those thoughts will then be considered in final plans. The designers have ensured that both plans consider the make-up of the areas, including access for businesses and residents, existing roads, utilities, and in the case of Pier Gardens the views towards the shoreline and the current natural environment. Cllr Philip Jackson, leader of the Council with responsibilities for regeneration, said: “We are looking forward to seeing what the respective designers and landscape architects have created from the public’s responses. “Of course, we want the residents of the borough to have their say on the designs as they will be using the spaces in future years. “This is a great time for North East Lincolnshire as a whole as we move into a new era for our towns. However, we want to make sure you have your say throughout this process so be sure to visit the drop in sessions or provide your comments online when the questionnaire opens.”

Lincolnshire County Council celebrates Foster Care Fortnight 2024 with #fosteringmoments initiative

Lincolnshire County Council is participating in Foster Care Fortnight 2024, taking place from May 13th to May 26th. As part of this national campaign launched by the Fostering Network, the Council is championing the incredible work of foster carers and encouraging people to consider becoming a carer under the theme of Fostering Moments. A series of podcasts will be broadcast featuring heartfelt discussions and stories from foster carers, showcasing the meaningful moments that have shaped their fostering experiences. The fortnight will also see a Foster Walk, a social media campaign and an online information event where people can find out more about becoming a foster carer. “Foster Care Fortnight is an opportunity for us to highlight the incredible work of our foster carers and encourage more individuals, couples and families to consider becoming foster carers,” said Deborah Crawford, Head of Lincolnshire Fostering Service. In Lincolnshire, there are over 300 children in foster care, supported by 214 fostering households throughout the county. Foster carer Paula Doyle who stars in the podcast said: “By sharing my own unique stories, I hope to reflect on the life-changing difference foster carers can make to Lincolnshire children.” For those wanting to find out more, the online ‘You can foster’ Information Event takes place on Thursday 16th May at 12:30pm, book your place by visiting their Facebook page – Lincolnshire Fostering.

Learn how to be environmentally friendly at fun Eco Activity Day

If you are looking for a fun way in which to learn how to be environmentally friendly, why not join the South Holland District Council Communities Team for a day of activities in the great outdoors? The Eco Activity Day will take place on Thursday, May 30 in Sutton Bridge – and there will be something for everyone to try out while also learning about how to be an environmental champion. Between 11am and 3pm, Sutton Bridge Memorial Park Playing Field will host a plethora of exciting and educational fun, including street theatre, crafting and even some minibeast hunting. Rhubarb Theatre, which is dedicated to providing children and their families the opportunity to learn and play through access to arts, will perform ‘Collection Day’. The performance, which has been funded by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is a fun, family friendly street theatre piece with themes of waste, recycling, reusing and the impact pollution has on our wildlife and waterways. The entertainment doesn’t end there. Visitors will be able to get crafty in the Enviro Craft gazebo, enjoy activities and learn more from community groups, create some environmental art or go minibeast hunting in the Nature Lab. Councillor Tracey Carter, South Holland District Council’s Portfolio Holder for Communities, said: “This is going to be such a fantastic event with a really important theme to it. “We’re hopeful that families will be able to come down and enjoy the free activities while also learning something that perhaps they didn’t know before. “It promises to be a great day, rain or shine.”

Projekt Renewable wins community award

Projekt Renewable was named the winner of the Engaging the Community | Community Project Award, in partnership with Blackrow Wind, at the Offshore Wind Connections Humber Renewable Awards that took place in early May at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Hull. Projekt Director Rich was there on the night, saying: “I honestly didn’t think we’d stand a chance given the other projects that had been shortlisted. “The win is for everybody that was in the room on the night – PRG (Projekt Renewable, Grimsby) is one of several projects working to bridge the gap between community and industry. And in an industry that is moving as rapidly as renewables, that conduit and channel of communication is vital. “The judges summed it up for me, ‘It’s very easy for big companies to pledge some money to a community project, but it’s really hard to do it the other way around and build something of substance from the ground up’.” Conceived 2021, designed 2022, delivered 2023 – PRG exists because Projekt Director, Richard Askam, was tasked with creating something in the centre of Grimsby to inspire the next generation. The world knows Grimsby for its fishing heritage but its flourishing renewable energy sector and the opportunities that lie within it, exist and operate largely out of sight. An educational and cultural hub, Projekt Renewable, Grimsby has been created to inspire the next generation of renewable energy experts through a ‘destination’ full of energy and immersive experiences. Creating a better environment for the future of our planet and the generations to come, with homegrown talent at its core – this is what Projekt Renewable embodies. Designed and built from shipping containers, re-purposed to house a podcast and YouTube studio along with visitor experiences from the likes of RWE, The Crown Estate, NSPCC, myenergi and others – Projekt Renewable has quickly gained national notoriety as Government and industry seek to bring the public on the journey to Net Zero.

New wildlife watching facilities offer a bird’s eye view at Barton’s Waterside

Hidden cameras are to be installed in bird boxes at Waters’ Edge Country Park in Barton will mean visitors can see local wildlife without any disturbance. The boxes, to be installed in a £30,000 project over the next few weeks, will be linked to monitors inside the viewing area so visitors can see the birds up close. The funding will also be used to help wildlife by introducing floating tern rafts on some ponds, which will help birds breed on site in order to maintain the local tern population. Encouraging people to interact with their local environment has a positive effect on physical and mental health and improves overall wellbeing. Cllr David Rose, cabinet member for environment, said: “We have so much precious wildlife right on our doorstep, but it is difficult to see it and connect with it without disturbing it. “This welcome funding will give us – literally – a bird’s eye view. In addition, the new tern rafts will hopefully mean not only will we be able to maintain the tern population at Waters’ Edge but increase it as well.”

Lincolnshire Hospitality Trade Show makes history as exhibitor spaces sell out in record time

The inaugural Lincolnshire Hospitality Trade Show has set a remarkable precedent in the industry by selling out all available exhibition spaces for the county’s first and only B2B-focused hospitality event. Organisers of the event, Globella and Stokes Tea and Coffee, are thrilled to announce this unprecedented success, marking a significant milestone in the region’s hospitality sector. Scheduled to take place at the prestigious Harlaxton Manor on Wednesday 15 May 2024, the first-of-its-kind event is poised to revolutionise the way businesses in the hospitality industry connect, network, and thrive. With a comprehensive lineup of over seventy exhibitors, speakers, and interactive sessions, the event promises to offer unparalleled opportunities for professionals to explore cutting-edge trends, forge valuable partnerships and discover innovative solutions to propel their businesses forward. “We are ecstatic to witness such an overwhelming response to our inaugural event,” said Event Organiser, Hannah Tomlinson of Globella. “The fact that the exhibition spaces sold out in record time underscores the immense enthusiasm and anticipation within the industry for a platform that fosters growth, creativity, and excellence. “We are extremely grateful for the tremendous support from exhibitors, sponsors, speakers, and attendees and cannot wait to open the doors next week to deliver an exceptional experience that exceeds all expectations.” From culinary demonstrations from local eateries to leading suppliers presenting the latest innovations in hospitality technology and services, the Lincolnshire Hospitality Trade Show is set to be a dynamic hub of inspiration, education, and collaboration for all attendees. For more information about the event and to book your tickets, please visit

Don’t be taken in by despicable telephone scam, warns NEL Carelink

North East Lincolnshire Carelink is warning customers to be aware of a telephone scam currently targeting users in the region, which involves companies calling vulnerable people in the North East Lincolnshire and advising them that their equipment will not work due to digital changes. “This is not true,” says Vickie Fisher, CEO of North East Lincolnshire Carelink. “They are also asking for payments over the phone, which is not Carelink’s policy as, in most cases, payments have already been set up. “The scam is particularly despicable as it is targeting people who are already in vulnerable situations due to ill health, and who rely on the Carelink service for vital support.” Her advice to Carelink users is, if in doubt, hang up and press their Carelink pendant to check who is ringing you. “We will answer your call 24/7 or call 01472 312312,” she added. NEL Carelink is a charity based in Grimsby, covering North East Lincolnshire and surrounding areas, and supporting more than 3,000 people to remain in their homes and retain their independence. NELC and partners formed the charity in 1995 to provide telecare equipment and a monitoring centre to support them. Carelink has private customers who pay directly for their alarms, as well as specific contracts with NELC, health and housing providers to support people in the area. Cllr Stan Shreeve, Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care, said Carelink users should be on their guard, “The Carelink service provides invaluable support to people who are suffering from ill health and who want to remain in their own homes. It provides peace of mind to residents and their loved ones that if anything was to happen then help is closely at hand. “These appalling scams are targeting some of our most vulnerable residents and we urge everyone to be on their guard and to follow Carelink’s advice and guidance if they receive any of these calls.”

Government offers support for Lincolnshire’s efforts to create special school

The Department for Education has approved the county council’s bid for a new 154-place special free school providing support for pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs.

The project is currently in the very early stages, with the council exploring potential locations in the centre of the county. Design work will be progressed over the coming months, in partnership with the DfE. Cllr Mrs Patricia Bradwell, executive member for children’s services, said: “This new school has been a long-term aspiration for the council, and we’re very grateful to the DfE for making it possible. “Over the last few years, the council has invested around £100m in improving and expanding special schools across the county, meaning more pupils with special educational needs and disabilities can now attend a local school instead of having to travel large distances for their education. “This new project will continue that good work, ensuring that all pupils can get a good start in life, with any additional support they might require. I’m sure the school will bring lasting benefits for children and their families, and I look forward to seeing the work move forward.” The council will be working with the DfE and partner organisations to find a preferred operator for the new free school in the months ahead, after which the DfE will select a multi-academy trust to run it.