Home Office carries on with Scampton project in spite of saying it has stopped work

The Home Office continues to carry out development work at RAF Scampton despite written assurance that all work has stopped, says West Lindsey District Council. The Council received written confirmation yesterday from the Home Office, confirming it has stopped all work in compliance with the Stop Order issued by the Council on 22 September. But Enforcement Officers have continued to visit and observe from the perimeter of the site daily, and intelligence provided by the local community remains key to the Council’s oversight of activity. Unfortunately, despite written assurances to the contrary, it is clear activity persists at pace on site, says the Council. The Stop Notice relates to the following unlawful uses of RAF Scampton: (1)  Without planning permission, the making of a material change of use of the site to accommodation for asylum seekers. (2)  Without planning permission, the carrying out of operational development to facilitate the use of the site in connection with the unauthorised use of the site to accommodate asylum seekers as follows:
  • The siting of Portakabins to house asylum seekers; and
  • Significant and invasive groundworks in order to make the necessary utilities connections to accommodate asylum seekers on the site.
And it required that the Home Office: (1)  Ceases using the site as accommodation for asylum seekers. (2)  Removes any asylum seekers residing on the site. (3) Ceases operational development works to site Portakabins on the site and ancillary works associated with the siting of the Portakabins such as utility connections, any hard standing, fencing to enclose the Portakabins. (4)  Ceases all intrusive groundworks on the site. (5)  Restores the site to its original condition. The Home Office has not challenged the issue of the Stop Notice and Enforcement Notice in respect of the unlawful change of use of RAF Scampton, and has not provided reasons for works on site continuing despite a stop notice being in place. The Home Office also continue to refuse  to allow the council  access to the site to undertake routine enforcement monitoring. The Stop Notice remains in place until the related Enforcement Notice has either been withdrawn by the Council, has been complied with, or the time for compliance has passed. Until such time, RAF Scampton cannot lawfully be used as accommodation for asylum seekers.

Construction partners come together to help fulfill Lincolnshire charity’s new HQ project

Landscape architecture practice, Influence Landscape Planning & Design, is bringing together volunteer construction and professional services partners to deliver fit-out works for Lincolnshire charity Naomi’s Garden. Louth-based Naomi’s Garden, which provides conductive education and special education needs consultancy, has been raising funds to find a new HQ having outgrown its current centre in Manby. The current site limits the amount of adults and children it can support resulting in its therapists having to travel the length and breadth of Lincolnshire to provide its specialist services, reducing the sessions it can deliver. The charity raised enough funds to secure a new property on Manby Park, but is continuing to fundraise to turn the new building – previously a motorcycle shop – into a fit-for-purpose facility, where it can deliver its lifechanging services to more people.  Construction partners who have committed to providing their services, with materials needed for the project being provided at cost price, are Influence, contractor G F Tomlinson, project manager and quantity surveyor Gleeds,GBM Demolition, A + G Architects and professional services firm Knights. The construction partners will be working together to completely transform the premises into Naomi’s Garden’s forever home. Works include raising floors, installing ramps, new windows and doors, and complete interior decoration. When complete, the new centre will enable the charity to extend its working hours, provide group sessions and create a dynamic learning environment for all no matter what their disability, resulting in supporting 50% more adults and children each year. The building will also give them the option to run group sessions and be used for wider community use. Sarah-Jayne Walker, lead conductor at Naomi’s Garden, said: “We currently have a waiting list of families across Lincolnshire who are waiting to benefit from the unique therapy we provide. Therefore, we desperately need our new more accessible hub to be functional, so we can continue our work and expand to help those families who are relying on us as the only service provider of our kind in our area. “The team and I are overwhelmed by Sara’s offer to help and the professional team she has brought together are incredibly kind and we would not be able to progress with the adaptation of our new building without their knowledge and skilled services. A huge thank you to all our wonderful partners. We feel incredibly excited by what comes next. “However, we do still need to raise enough funds to help us reach our next goal of adapting it to create our new centre. Please consider making a donation. Thank you.” Newark-based Influence Landscape Planning & Design are chartered landscape architects, urban designers, environmental planners and arborists and offer knowledge and consultancy across a wide range of disciplines.  Managing Director Sara, who lives in Louth, contacted Naomi’s Garden during the pandemic having read about their plight and initially offered to help by providing landscaping services. That conversation continued to Sara offering to bring together a team of willing partners to deliver the works to the new building. Sara said: “At a time when no one was feeling the impact of the pandemic quite like charitable organisations, and with Naomi’s Garden delivering such life impacting work and in my local area, the team and I wanted to help. “The charity has worked so hard to get to this position; to have secured its new home through fundraising is a real achievement. While more money is needed to buy materials for the fit-out, the construction industry here in the East Midlands has some incredible companies and individuals who want to make a real difference to good causes. I simply picked up the phone to some of my contacts and was humbled by those wanting to support. “Thank you to those partners and I’m looking forward to working with you all when the works start.”  Naomi’s Garden raised £160,000, which enabled them to secure the new building. Fundraising activities included hiking the National Three Peaks, a skydive, a Christmas concert, a charity ball and social enterprise company Key Fund provided the charity with a loan of £30,800 and a grant of £9,200.  The construction works to be undertaken to the new premises will cost approximately £350,000 and further fundraising and grant applications are underway to achieve this. Chris Flint, Managing Director at G F Tomlinson, said: “As a Midlands-based contractor, we deliver projects throughout Lincolnshire that deliver life changing facilities and provide opportunities for the local communities to flourish. When Sara invited G F Tomlinson to be involved in this project, we jumped at the chance to give our support to such a worthy cause. “Naomi’s Garden makes a real impact on the lives of many Lincolnshire families, and we are proud to be helping them, alongside other like-minded construction partners, to reach and support more people with their specialist services.” Naomi’s Garden provides conductive education in Lincolnshire to families who have loved ones with movement disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Parkinson’s, Dyspraxia and Motor Delay. The charity also has a SEND (Special Education Needs and Disabilities) specialist who works with the needs of children with autism, ADHD and sensory processing issues. With the help of Lincolnshire County Council, Naomi’s Garden also provides free school holiday provision services including free healthy meals and enriching activities for children. Works are due to start on the new premises in the Autumn, when the charity hopes to have the final confirmation of a funding application. To make a donation towards Naomi’s Garden’s new premises please visit: https://www.gofundme.com/f/naomis-gardens-big-move?utm_campaign=p_nacp+share-sheet&utm_medium=copy_link&utm_source=customer

Grimsby family’s idea offers comfort to others in bereavement

A Grimsby family has donated a special post box to Grimsby Crematorium to help anyone who are suffering with the loss of a loved one. Lauren Swales and Jack Lamyman lost their unborn son Teddy to a miscarriage in June when Lauren was four months pregnant. Together with their nine-year-old daughter Polly, they started a fundraising campaign to install a ‘letters to heaven’ post box for the memorial area in the crematorium grounds. The post box gives bereaved families somewhere to post messages, drawings, birthday and Christmas cards to their loved ones. Jack and Lauren said they’d seen similar post boxes in other areas and thought it might help other bereaved families who are coming to terms with the loss of a child. Lauren said: “We’ve never lost a loved one as close to us before Teddy. This is going to help us a lot and we hope it will help other families who have lost a baby or child. “I’ve seen people leave cards and notes in the memorial garden, but something like this protects them and helps save them from getting wet. We want to come here to post Teddy his first Christmas cards and birthday cards.” Jack said: “The memorial garden is a wonderful place for people to come and reflect on their loss. “This means the world to us and we hope it helps other families who have suffered the loss of their precious babies. Although it can be difficult sometimes to know what to say, it helps having somewhere to put your thoughts instead of shouting into a void.” Bereavement services staff Daniel Intress-Franklin and Augustine Harsent worked with the family to bring the new post box to the crematorium grounds. It’s there for anyone to use to send a message to someone they’ve lost. Daniel said: “We’re really grateful to the family for making this happen. It’s a wonderful addition to the grounds and we’re pleased to have been able to help.”

Could you be an East Lindsey Age-Friendly Ambassador?

Over 50 and think older people deserve a voice? East Lindsey District Council wants to hear from you. In partnership with Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Service the council has launched  an Age-friendly Ambassador Scheme, and is looking for individuals to step forward to be ambassadors who will help the council understand the needs of older residents and speaking out for them. Cllr William Gray, Portfolio Holder for Communities & Better Ageing at East Lindsey District Council, said: “The Age-friendly Ambassador scheme provides a great opportunity for us to better understand the needs of our older residents as part of our ongoing commitment to being an Age-friendly Community.” Volunteers Age-friendly Ambassadors could be communicating Age-friendly messages and helping to tackle ageism. they might be involved in co-designing with partner organisations, initiatives and developments across the district. The role suits anyone that is willing to connect with others and is passionate about having their say on issues affecting older people. Mandy Elmer, Community Development and Volunteering Officer from LCVS, said: “LCVS are happy to work in partnership with ELDC to launch this pioneering project, really listening to the voice of older people through our volunteers and making a real difference within our communities.” East Lindsey District Council committed to becoming an Age-friendly community in 2019. In 2021 it joined the WHO Global Network of Age-friendly Communities. An essential element of an Age-friendly Community is the meaningful engagement and involvement of older people. It is important that older people have the opportunity to contribute to the way that services are shaped, and public spaces created. It is also important for the council to share Age-friendly information and to promote Age-positive messages throughout its communities. For more information please contact Jane Berni by emailing jane.berni@e-lindsey.gov.uk or Mandy Elmer by emailing mandyelmer@lincolnshirecvs.org.uk

Holbeach breaks 45-year tradition to switch time of Remembrance Day parade


This year’s Remembrance Day Parade in Holbeach will be switched from morning to afternoon after talks between the County Council and Parish Councillors.

Cllr Richard Davies, Executive member for Highways at the County Council said: “The meeting was a very positive way for all concerned to have the open dialogue that so often leads to a resolution in matters like this. “Based on County Cllr Tracey Carter’s feedback, the remaining views expressed by those in the meeting and the views of local community, we are very pleased to continue our long-standing support for the event whilst it changes from the afternoon to the morning.” The change comes after 45-years of Holbeach holding its Remembrance Day Parade in the afternoon, with surrounding areas such as Holbeach St Marks and Long Sutton continuing with the later time for attendees to pay their respects. Cllr Carter added: “We are always open to hear the views of the Parish Council and we fully respect the long-standing tradition of Holbeach, and many other smaller towns in having their service in the afternoon. “During our meeting with the Parish Council it was a good opportunity to hear all sides of the situation in an open and fair way and, based on that, we have agreed for the morning road closure to be given for the very important Parade.” Cllr Davies added: “Cllr Carter is always extremely supportive and champions Holbeach at every opportunity. She was keen for residents to be heard and listened to, so was instrumental in the decision to support the Parish in moving the Parade to the morning. “When all is said and done, the most important thing is that Holbeach has the opportunity to hold a remembrance parade and respect those who served, and continue to serve, our country. Holbeach has always been well supported in the Remembrance Parade and I very much hope that it will be this year, too.” Clive Turner, Chair of Holbeach Parish Council said: “Holbeach Parish Council have championed this change and, whilst the decision has taken a little while to resolve, we have been pleased to work with LCC and the District Council on behalf of the residents, and are extremely pleased with the outcome.”  

Enjoy an evening of festive cheer at the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Christmas Carol Concert

Get into the Christmas Spirit with a delightful evening of festive cheer at the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance Christmas Carol Concert on Tuesday 19 December, 7.30pm! Immerse yourself in the enchanting atmosphere of Lincoln Cathedral and enjoy an evening of festive carols, readings and musical interludes including Horncastle Primary School Choir, hosted by BBC Radio Lincolnshire’s Melvyn Prior. Tickets from £10 are available on eventbrite. All proceeds will go towards supporting the vital work of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance. Your presence helps this life-saving charity continue providing pre-hospital medical care and be by the side of patients when they are most in need. Don’t miss out on this magical evening! Grab your loved ones and join us for an unforgettable Christmas Carol Concert in the heart of Lincoln. Spread the holiday cheer and make a difference this festive season!

Sixways Stadium to host the next Motor Source ESFL Finals

An exciting announcement has come from the Motor Source ESFL as the date and venue for 2023/24 season finals was confirmed as Sixways Stadium on Saturday 8th June 2024. The 2023/24 Emergency Services Football League season may only have just kicked off, but we’re already looking forward to celebrating the women’s, veterans and men’s open age competition finals in June next year. In a similar format to last season, all three finals will be played on the same day, making it a full, exciting day of football, with the change of venue from last season bringing the added benefit of a 4G pitch, match day announcer and stadium big screen to add to the atmosphere. Sixways stadium is mostly used for rugby union and association football matches and is the home of Premier 15s side University of Worcester Warriors and Hellenic League Premier Division football side Worcester Raiders. It was also the third Premiership Rugby venue to lay an artificial pitch, but the first to feature organic infill rather than rubber crumb. ESFL co-founder Pete Overton said “We are really excited to be working with the Sixways Stadium events team to organise our league finals. A personal note of thanks to both Tracy and Nicole who helped make this happen. The stadium and its facilities look first class. As the ESFL continues to go from strength to strength we are excited to once again be hosting the finals in such an impressive stadium.” Zoe Critchley from title sponsors Motor Source commented: “As title sponsors of the Motor Source ESFL, we thoroughly enjoy working with the teams throughout the season and hearing their triumphs, not just in the games they play but also in their professional careers and how the league helps them. “After last year’s enjoyable season and unforgettable finals day, we’re ready to raise the bar and make this year’s ESFL Finals truly epic!” Follow and support the teams and results throughout the season at https://www.esfl.co.uk/ where you’ll also be able to buy tickets for the final when they go on sale. If you work in the emergency services, armed forces or teaching, you could be eligible for Motor Source new car discounts for NHS, Police, Fire & Rescue Services, Prison Service, military and teachers. Find out more and see how much you can save at https://www.motorsourcegroup.com/

Lincolnshire towns to get slice of £20m funding from Government

Five Lincolnshire towns are on a list of 55 revealed by the Government who’ll share in a £1.1 billion levelling up investment as part of a long-term plan for towns that have been overlooked and taken for granted. Under the new approach people in Boston, Skegness, Spalding, Grimsby, and Scunthorpe, rather than Whitehall-based politicians, will be put in charge, and given the tools to change their town’s long-term future. They will:
  • Receive a ten-year £20 million endowment-style fund to be spent on local people’s priorities, like regenerating local high streets and town centres or securing public safety.
  • Set up a Town Board to bring together community leaders, employers, local authorities, and the local MP, to deliver the Long-Term Plan for their town and put it to local people for consultation.
  • Use a suite of regeneration powers to unlock more private sector investment by auctioning empty high street shops, reforming licensing rules on shops and restaurants, and supporting more housing in town centres.
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: “Towns are the place most of us call home and where most of us go to work. But politicians have always taken towns for granted and focused on cities. “The result is the half-empty high streets, run-down shopping centres and anti-social behaviour that undermine many towns’ prosperity and hold back people’s opportunity – and without a new approach, these problems will only get worse.

“That changes today. Our Long-Term Plan for Towns puts funding in the hands of local people themselves to invest in line with their priorities, over the long-term. That is how we level up.”

Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove said: “We know that in our towns the values of hard work and solidarity, common sense and common purpose, endeavour and quiet patriotism have endured across generations. But for too long, too many of our great British towns have been overlooked and undervalued. “We are putting this right through our Long-Term Plan for Towns backed by over £1 billion of levelling up funding. This will empower communities in every part of the UK to take back control of their future, taking long term decisions in the interests of local people. It will mean more jobs, more opportunities and a brighter future for our towns and the people who live and work in them.” Long-Term Plan for Towns will require town boards to develop their own long-term plan for their town, with funding over 10 years and aligned to the issues that research shows people want the most, including:
  • Improving transport and connections to make travel easier for residents and increase visitor numbers in centres to boost opportunities for small businesses and create jobs
  • Tackling crime and anti social behaviour to keep residents safe and encourage visitors through better security measures and hotspot policing
  • Enhancing town centres to make high streets more attractive and accessible, including repurposing empty shops for new housing, creating more green spaces, cleaning up streets or running market days
Local people will be at the heart of decisions, through direct membership of a new Towns Board, which will include community groups, MPs, businesses, cultural and sports organisations, public sector agencies and local authorities for each town and through a requirement to engage local people on the long-term plan for each town. These Town Boards will have direct government support in addition to the funding and powers they receive through Long-Term Plan for Towns, and will be required to engage local people on their long-term plan. The government has also announced a new ‘Towns Taskforce, sitting in the Department for Levelling Up and reporting directly to the Prime Minister and Levelling Up Secretary. This will help town boards to develop their plans, and advise them on how best to take advantage of government policies, unlock private and philanthropic investment and work with communities. A new ‘High Streets and Towns Task Force’ will also be established, building on the success of the existing version, providing each selected town with bespoke, hands-on support.

Councils sign employment pledge for older workers

The three councils which make up the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership have signed the Age-friendly Employer Pledge, a nationwide programme run by the Centre for Ageing Better. The pledge shows a commitment by all three councils – Boston Borough, South Holland and East Lindsey – to improve work for people in their 50s and 60s, recognising their value and expertise and to help make our workplace even more age-friendly. Nationally, most people are working later in life but older workers can often face prejudice and are overlooked.  At the same time, the job market is changing with many sectors struggling with skills and labour shortages. In signing the pledge, the partnership recognises that older workers are often key to filling these gaps. Cllr Anne Dorrian, Leader of Boston Borough Council said: “It is important that the South & East Lincolnshire Councils Partnership is recognising the value those aged over 50 bring to our workforce. Older workers often bring a wealth of experience and knowledge to teams, and in many instances they become role models to their peers and those just starting out in their careers. “There is a lot everyone can learn from a multigenerational workforce and I am very proud the Partnership has made this pledge to show its commitment.” Cllr Jim Astill, Portfolio Holder for Corporate, Governance and Communications at South Holland District Council, said: “Signing the age-friendly pledge is a great way to demonstrate our commitment to developing and retaining our workforce. The Partnership is made even better from having a thriving workforce of different generations so we can deliver the best outcomes for our residents. “Working in the Local Government sector can often be a lifelong career and we are proud we are retaining an older workforce and making this pledge to recognise our commitment to being even more age-friendly.” Cllr Craig Leyland, Leader of East Lindsey District Council and Portfolio Holder for Corporate Affairs, said: “I am delighted the South & East Lincolnshire Partnership continues to recognise the contribution an older workforce brings to our services delivered for our communities. “By making this pledge we are reenforcing and developing our commitment to widening the pool of applicants for jobs in recognition of the skills gaps felt nationally. “The Partnership is proud to support anything that helps us develop and retain our workforce for years to come.” The Partnership has a good record for employing and retaining older workers and are committed to improving this even more. Of the total workforce across the three councils, 44 per cent are aged over 50 and 21 per cent are aged between 40-49.

Lincoln Castle illuminations are back

The magical and much-loved Christmas event will run from Friday 8 December until Saturday 23 December 2023, giving families and friends the perfect and unmissable opportunity to get into the festive spirit in the heart of Lincoln. Visitors will be able enjoy the castle grounds bejewelled with festive lights and illuminated Christmas features, take a trip down Candy Cane Lane, and give their warmest season’s greetings to our resident castle dragons – Lucy and Norman. Lincoln Castle has retained its popular Illuminated Wall Walk so visitors can see this historical landmark sparkling with festive lights, and take in the beautiful night-time views across the city and county. Cllr Lindsey Cawrey, executive member for heritage and culture at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Lincoln Castle Illuminated has been the perfect way to start to your Christmas festivities for a few years now, and this year we’re dialling up the magic with even more lights, traditional rides and some festive food and drinks. “Autumn may just be beginning, but tickets for popular dates sell quickly so plan ahead to secure the date you want, and give yourself a magical night to look forward to.” Lincoln Castle Illuminated runs daily from Friday 8 December to Saturday 23 December, from 4pm to 9pm at weekends, and from 5.30pm to 9pm on weekdays. Charges apply.