£52,000 grant to fund more mental health support for Lincolnshire farmers


A grant of £52,000 has been given to Lincolnshire Rural Support Network (LRSN) to support more mental health provision within the county’s agricultural and rural communities.

The money has come from Lincolnshire County Council’s public health grant and will fund practical support for mental health and wellbeing through caseworkers and volunteers in the county charity. Cllr Wendy Bowkett, executive councillor for adult care and public health at the county council, said: “We know that our farming communities have been facing difficult times and there has been an increase in demand for mental health support in recent years. LRSN’s Mental Health Service does a fantastic job and I’m so pleased we’ve been able to extend this provision to make sure vulnerable farming families have the help they need.” The grant will increase existing LRSN caseworker capacity by 50% over 2 years, offering bespoke and consistent support to help manage their mental health and wellbeing. Amy Thomas, Head of Charity at Lincolnshire Rural Support Network, said: “We are delighted to work with Lincolnshire County Council to extend the support that we provide to people living and working within agriculture, horticulture and allied industries across Lincolnshire. “At LRSN we have seen a significant increase in the number of people reaching out to us for support, as farmers and growers across the county navigate the many and complex challenges facing the industry. The funding from Lincolnshire County Council will help us to reach and support more people, and to offer a lifeline when its needed most.”
  Image credit: Stock.adobe.com/Springfield Gallery

Clee Fields soccer tournament hailed as a success

New state-of-the-art football facility at North East Lincolnshire’s Clee Fields has welcomed over 70 young people to a free football tournament. Teams from organisations across the borough participated, including Cleethorpes Trinity Centre, Fusion Community Hub, YMCA, Centre4, West Marsh Community Centre, Immingham Oasis, Toll Bar Academy and Grimsby Town Foundation. Each organisation delivers weekly sessions with tournaments held on a bi-monthly basis as part of the Fair Play Football initiative. The scheme is open to boys and girls age 12 to 19 and is delivered by North East Lincolnshire Council and its partners. It aims to provide a cost-free opportunity for the younger generation who are signposted via their local schools, the Youth Justice System and the Young People’s Support Service. In Friday’s tournament, the teams were divided into two leagues with Cleethorpes Trinity Centre being declared eventual winners in a tense final against Fusion Boxing. CEO of The Trin Centre, Andy Cox, said: “I attended the Fair Play event held at the new YMCA Clee Fields facility on Friday. It was great to see so many teams take part representing youth groups from across North East Lincolnshire. “This was the fourth event that The Trin have been invited to and this was bar far the biggest and best yet. The standard of football was really high too which is a credit to each of the organisation’s being represented and their coaches. “I believe that the Fair Play provision is of great value to our community as football is a great engagement activity. For us personally, we run our sessions on a Friday night to provide our young people with access to free football which runs alongside our open access Youth Club. “Using data from our local policing team we have managed to demonstrate the positive impact that these sessions are having on anti-social behaviour statistics in our area. This data along with case studies that we have been collecting, allow us to evidence that the work associated with the Fair Play programme is working.” The first Fair Play Tournament of the school year was funded by the Police and Crime Commissioner, on behalf of Humber Violence Prevention Partnership, was held at Clee Fields on Ladysmith Road on Friday, 6th September.  

Lincolnshire Wolds National Landscape to be major hub in £2m national art project


The Lincolnshire Wolds National Landscape is going to feature as a major hub in a £2m ground-breaking national art project, Nature Calling.

The project is funded by Arts Council England, the Department for Environment, Farming and Rural Affairs (Defra) and National Landscapes in England. Nature Calling is a first for National Landscapes because of its size, scope and the level of investment. It aims to inspire communities across England to connect with National Landscapes, increasing their access to nature, improving their wellbeing and inspiring a sense of belonging in these special places. Nature Calling will bring together the 34 National Landscapes in England, local arts organisations and community groups from within a 30-minute journey time of their nearby National Landscape. They will work together to co-create artworks inspired by these iconic places and the results will then be shared with the public in a Season of Art from May to October 2025. It is expected that 70,000 people will take part. National Landscapes are the UK’s nearby countryside. 66% of people in England (44 million) live within 30 minutes of a National Landscape, over 1 million people live within them and at least 170 million people visit every year. Nature Calling aims to encourage even more communities to feel welcome to enjoy these special places on their own terms. The Lincolnshire Wolds National Landscape will work with communities in the surrounding market towns in both East and West Lindsey Districts, Northeast Lincolnshire District and communities within the Wolds itself. The producing partner is Magna Vitae Trust for Leisure & Culture, who are a local charitable trust bringing culture to Lincolnshire’s communities. John Watkins, Chief Executive of the National Landscapes Association, said: “The great thing about Nature Calling is that it’s a chance for new voices to interpret the National Landscapes of England in new ways. Arts Council England and Defra funding means we can deliver our first all-England arts programme with six National Landscape teams working with artists to celebrate these iconic places with a season of events in 2025.” Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England, said: “Throughout time, our greatest artists have been inspired by England’s wonderful landscape. Now, we’re supporting a new generation of artists to bring to life their own awe-inspiring work in response to our natural environment. I’m excited to see what they will create.” Nature Calling is a partnership project between the National Landscapes Association, Activate Performing Arts, Poetry School and 6 National Landscapes that will operate as key hubs of activity. Taking inspiration from National Landscapes, writers will start the creative process with words in the form of poetry, song, prose or rap for example. Using these words, local communities will work with artists to co-create their presentation piece for the Season of Art. This could include dance, theatre, installation, digital, or music.
  Image: Stock.adobe.com/Gill

Funding deadline approaches for Coronation orchards

Time is running out for communities to apply for funding to plant new mini-orchards. The deadline for applications is 27 September, with funds available from South Kesteven District Council thanks to the Coronation Living Heritage fund marking the accession of King Charles lll. Parish councils and community groups can apply for up to £1,500 to plant a minimum of five fruit trees on publicly accessible sites with protective spirals and canes, information signage and protective fencing as required. Applications are also invited from parent/teacher associations with public accessible space, and planting could be particularly popular for schools with an Eco Schools Green Flag Award. Planting is expected to start in November, with all projects to be completed, together with dedication services, by the end of March 2025. To request an application form and information on the criteria for funding please contact the Community Engagement Team at communityengagement@southkesteven.gov.uk
  Image credit: Stock.adobe.com/gpointstudio

Lincolnshire County Council sells land at Kirton to grow local economy


Lincolnshire County Council has sold 10.16 acres of development land to expand Kirton Distribution Park.

The purchasers – Melbourne Holdings – will initially be constructing ‘Stonebridge Business Park’, a 25,000 sq ft space comprising 9 new industrial units, on the land. Cllr Colin Davie, executive councillor for economy at the county council, said: “This sale marks an important development for the well-established Kirton Distribution Park, paving the way for the phased development that will significantly enhance the area’s economic landscape. “As a council we have responded to a growing demand for more industrial space in the county. We’re committed to supporting businesses to start up, grow and re-locate in Lincolnshire, creating jobs, supporting local supply chains and enhancing the local economy.” Lucie Bryant, Director at Melbourne Holdings, said: “We are delighted to further our commitment to supporting employment and industrial growth in Lincolnshire with our recent acquisition and proposed development at Kirton Distribution Park. “The purchase comes after recently securing planning permission to deliver a diverse range of warehousing that will support start-ups, growing businesses, large companies and international trade in this key strategic position, reinforced by Lincolnshire County Council and Boston Borough Council. “The units will be available off plan via our appointed agents Pygott and Crone, and we look forward to working with current and prospective requirements with design and builds opportunities being considered.”
  Image credit: Stock.adobe.com/shintartanya

Air Ambulance Week takes off across the UK

Anyone, anywhere in the UK can become a patient and in need of time-critical care at any time. Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance (LNAA) is joining forces with air ambulances across the UK to celebrate the incredible work undertaken everyday by their dedicated teams of critical care medics who bring the hospital to the patient at the scene! Starting on 9 September, Air Ambulance Week is a chance for LNAA to showcase its life-saving work and the team will be in Lincoln’s City Centre on Wednesday 11 September to raise awareness of the service and highlight the difference it makes to patients. Tony is one such patient who was helped by LNAA. In October 2023, he was driving to his home near Sleaford, with his three-year-old daughter Poppy, seated in the back when he was involved in a collision with another vehicle. Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance arrived within 11 minutes to find Tony and Poppy trapped in their car. LNAA doctor, Adam said: “We could see Tony was in a bad way and Poppy was clearly distressed and shouting for daddy to wake up.” After the crew from Lincoln Fire and Rescue had cut the rear doors off the car, Adam treated Poppy for her injuries and carried her to the safety of LNAA’s car, staying with her until the road ambulance arrived to take her Nottingham’s Queen’s Medical Centre (QMC). Tony had multiple cuts and bruises to his head as well as severe damage to both legs and was given pain relief to ease his discomfort. It took a while for fire crew to free him from the car, and the LNAA team monitored him constantly, but finally he was also taken to QMC in a separate road ambulance. Tony underwent emergency surgery and had metal rods inserted into his right leg. Recovery is ongoing but with continued physiotherapy the strength in his legs is increasing each week. The family will be forever grateful for care they received. As Tony said: “LNAA were brilliant. No one wants to see you guys, but it is so good to know you are there and why you are needed so badly when things go wrong.” SUPPORT LNAA DURING AIR AMBULANCE WEEK During the 30th Anniversary year Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance are inviting supporters to place their name on their iconic yellow helicopter. Then every time crew are called out on a mission, you will be by their side as they fly to reach the most seriously ill and injured patients across the whole of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. For more details, visit sidebyside.ambucopter.org.uk/

Hykeham Relief Road plans at risk in new government’s spending review


Councillors fear Lincolnshire could lose more than £350m of economic benefits if the new Government’s spending review blocks investment in North Hykeham relief road near Lincoln.

Only weeks after councillors instructed officers to move forward with the plan, the new Government announced it was reviewing the funding of £110m approved in 2020.

There are fears that if the road is not built, Lincolnshire could lose out on over £350 million in economic benefits over the next 60 years. At a meeting tomorrow councillors will discuss the potential implications of the decision. Cllr Ian Carrington, chairman of Environment and Economy Scrutiny Committee, said: “The consequences of the government removing funding for the project would be far reaching, and the committee hopes to identify these, to draw attention to the ramifications, and put pressure on our local representatives and national policy-makers. “The consequences of not building the road are considerable and are likely to mean that the development of 4,500 new homes and 7 hectares of employment land would be become unviable, representing a massive, missed opportunity for economic prosperity. “I have invited officers working on the project, affected councillors, and the MPs for Lincoln, and Sleaford and North Hykeham, to the meeting for the committee’s discussion about what this uncertainty around the funding would mean for our county.” Cllr Richard Davies, executive member for highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said: “Completing a ring-road around Lincoln is not only about easing traffic congestion within the centre of the city, it will open up land for new development, attracting further investment and new employment opportunities, boosting our local economy and providing homes for local residents. “Conversely, not completing the project could mean stagnation in the local economy, and add further congestion coming in and out of the city and across the wider county. “This isn’t a potential future scheme that we’re looking for funding for. If the government decide to pull funding for the North Hykeham Relief Road, this would be a case of cancelling something that has already been agreed, and one that a lot of work has already gone into to bring to this stage. It would be a huge kick in the teeth for the people of Lincoln and Lincolnshire.” The Department for Transport allocated £110m funding for the North Hykeham Relief Road project in 2020, with the rest of the scheme funded by Lincolnshire County Council and developer contributions. Work was expected to start late next year, with Balfour Beaty having been ned a principal contractor.

Tourists spent £857m in East Lindsey last year, says report

Tourists poured more than £857m into the East Lindsey area of Lincolnshire last year alone, according to a new report by Global Tourism Solutions. The findings show the £857.49million of investment from tourists to be the highest since the data was first recorded in 2013, up from the previous record of £824.2million in 2022. Councillor Adam Grist, portfolio holder for market towns and the rural economy at East Lindsey District Council, said: “It is fantastic to see tourism continue to grow and play such an important role in our local economy in East Lindsey, and especially in the Lincolnshire Wolds where we can see an incredible increase in visitors and support “The support these visitors bring to our local businesses, attractions and food and drink suppliers cannot be underestimated, and I hope we will continue to see these figures grow as we further expand our offer to tourists and add to our unique offer of events, activities and sights for people to enjoy.” The report also outlines an increase in overall visitors, with 4.57million people visiting East Lindsey across 2023, up from the 4.48million overall in 2022, including an 8.2% increase in those visiting just for the day, 2.77million in total. Across the key months of July, August and September over £350million of economic benefit was brought the area by 1.68million summer visitors. Shopping and local hospitality were the areas to benefit most, with £155million spent in shops and over £145million in cafes, restaurants and bars across East Lindsey. The number of tourism-related jobs also continued to slowly increase, up to 8,943 from 8,918 the previous year. The Lincolnshire Wolds in particular continued to rise significantly in popularity in 2023, owing to new tourism campaigns and a constantly expanding variety of unique events and activities, such as the Lincolnshire Wolds Outdoor Festival, Horncastle Horse Fair and Louth Food and Drink Festival In total the Wolds saw a 7.5% increase to over 3.5million visitors over the course of the year, with the economic benefit of their stays rising by an incredible 16.4% to £254.96million. Councillor Steve Kirk, portfolio holder for the coastal economy at East Lindsey District Council, said: “East Lindsey and its beautiful coastline is now firmly on the map for people to visit and enjoy, with our stunning blue flag beaches, the state-of-the-art facilities we are creating through Towns Fund and other transformational funding and our brilliant local hospitality and other businesses attracting people here every year. “This is such an exciting time for the East Lindsey coast, and our offer continues to expand as we achieve more national investment and work with our community to add to our ambitious plans for the area. We’re establishing ourselves as a primary destination for people across the UK and beyond to visit, and I can’t wait to continue the journey going forwards.”

The Mouse House Cheese Co. launches new cheese to celebrate 30 years of Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance

The Mouse House Cheese Co. has launched a new cheese to celebrate 30 years of Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance (LNAA). The Lincolnshire cheesemakers, based in Thorpe St Peter, Lincolnshire, have chosen a special smoked cheese to mark the occasion. Mollie Haines, Founder of The Mouse House Cheese Co., said: “We are so excited to launch this cheese to celebrate Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance’s 30th Anniversary. It is a special choice as it is one of our original cheeses we produce on the farm, which is an applewood smoked cheese infused with paprika and coal smoked directly on our farm.” The Mouse House Cheese Co. are a proud supporter of LNAA and already stock a LNAA Charity Gift Box. Every time a purchase is made, £8 is donated directly to the charity.  Since its launch in July 2023, £3,110 has been raised, helping to keep the iconic yellow helicopter in the sky and its fleet of critical care cars on the roads, 24 hours-a-day, 365-days-a-year. Joe Harper, LNAA’s Corporate Partnerships Manager, said: “We are incredibly grateful for the fantastic support from all the team at The Mouse House Cheese Co. This year is looking to be our busiest year on record with our crews already responding to 1,193 missions. “This partnership supports our vital work, ensuring that our crews will be by the side of even more patients, providing life-saving treatments to some of the most critically ill and injured people in Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire and beyond.” Mollie understands that being situated in such a remote location, should a critical incident occur, the need for the air ambulance would be vital in bringing a life-saving crew to the scene within minutes. She summed up: “They provide an essential service, especially for rural areas. The Mouse House is based at our farm at Lymn Bank, and we are aware of the need for the air ambulance in an emergency. “As a family run business, we want to make a difference and support this important charity which carries out such an important role. We hope that we never need the LNAA, but to have the reassurance that it is there is vital to us.” The cheese is available to purchase from the Mouse House Cheese Co. shop on Steep Hill, Lincoln, over the phone, as well as online at mousehousecheese.co.uk.

New life for ruined and worn out textiles in Tesco and Salvation Army trial

The Salvation Army is known for its longstanding commitment to reuse and recycling. To tackle the problem of unwearable clothing and household linens which cannot be reused, Salvation Army Trading Company Ltd (SATCoL), the trading arm of the charity, is running a regional trial in partnership with Tesco which aims to encourage customers to donate worn out textiles to specially designed textile collection banks. SATCoL has a long-established relationship with Tesco that includes their in-store Takeback Scheme and over 2,000 clothing banks located at Tesco carparks. Their latest venture aims to extend their efforts to reduce textiles waste, in collaboration with the ACT UK (Automatic-sorting for Circularity in Textiles), and led by the UK Fashion and Textile Association. ACT UK is a group of brands, retailers, textile recyclers, industry associations, technologies, clothing manufacturers and academic institutions which will pioneer automated sorting and pre-processing facilities which could eventually divert thousands of tonnes of textile waste from landfill and disposal each year.​ ​This trial will last for 6 months and SATCoL has placed 18 new textile collection banks at Tesco recycling sites, with further banks placed at two Household Waste Recycling Centres in the East of England. The trial will ask donors to separate clothing and home textiles into two different textile banks – one for reusable items titled Wear Again and the other for non-reusable items for recycling titled Worn Out. Donors will be given information on the front of each bank to explain the textiles that can be deposited. The 18 Tesco sites and 2 Household Waste Recycling Centre in the East of England selected for the 6-month trial are as follows:
Tesco Superstore, 71 High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DN
Tesco Extra, Copdock Interchange, Ipswich IP8 3TS
Tesco Superstore, Brook Retail Park, London Road, Clacton-on-Sea CO15 4EF
Tesco Superstore, Thorpe Road, Melton Mowbray LE13 1SQ
Tesco Extra, Church Street, Lichfield WS13 6DZ
Tesco Extra, Power Station Road, Rugeley WS15 2HS
Tesco Extra, 1 Armada Way, Royal Dock Road, Beckton E6 7FB
Tesco Extra, Bridge Road, Dover Corner, Rainham RM13 9YZ
Tesco Superstore, Cedars Link Road, Stowmarket IP14 5BE
Tesco Extra, Cygnet View, Lakeside, Grays RM20 1TX
Tesco Extra, 15-18 Viking Way, Bar Hill CB23 8EL
Tesco Superstore, Cambridge Road Industrial Estate, Cambridge Road, Milton CB24 6AY
Tesco Superstore, London Road, Tring HP23 5NB
Tesco Narbourgh LE3 5LH
FCC Environment, Fengate Household Recycling Centre, Dodson House, Fengate PE1 5XG
Grantham – HWRC – Alexandra Road NG31 7AH
Tesco Extra, Oakley Road, Corby NN18 8AL
Tesco Superstore, Ropes Drive, Kesgrave IP5 2FU
Tesco Extra, Anson Road, Martlesham Heath IP5 3RU
Tesco Superstore, Lakeview Drive, Bicester OX26 6WA
  A media campaign titled #RuinedNotWasted to engage, inspire and empower citizens in the 20 chosen communities for the trial, will form part of the activity and help raise the profile for this initiative in the East of England region. The campaign images and video content will feature examples of everyday mishaps with clothing and household linens, as well as worn out items, with a clear message that asks people to sort their textiles and donate to the trial ‘Worn Out, Wear Again’ clothing banks. As part of the trial, Salvation Army Trading Company will analyse donations to understand more about motivations and changes in donor behaviour. Donors are also able to continue to donate good quality clothing to the Wear Again banks which provides donations and raises funds for The Salvation Army. There are approx. 9,000 clothing banks and over 240 charity shops across the UK operated by SATCoL on behalf of the parent charity. Bernie Thomas, Circular Economy and Sustainability Manager at SATCoL, shared: “Recycling-only collections could help capture more of the 300,000 tonnes of clothing that is presently disposed of in household bins each year. Separating items in this way, at source, could help make sure that worn out textiles are given a second life. Rather than being wasted, recyclable textiles would be collected and reprocessed at scale, using innovative textiles recycling technology to repurpose textile fabrics and fibres back into new products.” For more information follow #acttakeback or visit​ www.acttakeback.org or www.satcol.org/nrt