A magical Fairy Door Hunt returns to Boston Guildhall and Fydell House next week on Thursday 16 and Friday 17 February.
The fairies are excited to learn about the history of Boston and have now taken up residence in the buildings for two days, local children are invited to come and help locate all the doors.
The event will run between 10:30am and 3pm on both days. Tickets are essential and cost Ā£2 per child.
Starting at the Boston Guildhall, clue sheets will be given out to all participants with some doors to be found, before moving onto Fydell House to find the rest.
Those who find all of the fairy doors will receive a gift from the fairies themselves whilst also enjoying a variety of fairy-themed craft activities!
You can arrive at any time but last admission for the day is 2pm. The Fydell House tearoom will also be open for refreshments and light lunches.
Councillor Tracey Abbott, Portfolio Holder Parks and Open Spaces, said: “Our Fairy Door Hunts have always proved to be popular with local families, and I hope this event will be no different.
“If you’re looking for something fun to do with the family over half-term week, please make sure to come along to the Guildhall and Fydell House and get involved.”