A bid writing service set up by MP Andrew Percy has helped to save the former St Oswald Church Hall in Keadby near Scunthorpe and convert it into a public hall.
Funding attracted for the project includes:
- £70,000 to help buy the property funded by the North Lincs Enhanced and Prosperous Pot.
- £36,000 UKSPF Levelling-Up funding from the Government for structural work, kitchen and electrical and new roof on extension.
- £9,611 North Lincs Council Community Grant pot for heating/air conditioning system. This is the fund the Conservatives set up when we took over running the Council.
- £26,000 SSE Axholme North Fund for flooring and decorating.
- £3,900 Axholme North SSE Fund for new chairs and Tables cooker and kitchen equipment.
Mr Percy said: “Councillors John Briggs and Julie Reed and myself are proud to have saved this facility for the community. We sadly lost John Briggs recently, but I know that this is one of the many projects across the North of the Isle he was proud to have been associated with and to have delivered for the benefit of the local community.
“The building was in a fairly deprived state and needed a lot of work, but now the downstairs looks really good and is open to be hired by local groups. Lots of work remains to be done on the upstairs.
“Well done to everybody involved in helping to save this property as a community facility. Phase 2 planning is well underway, and we hope to have more good news in the future!””